Health IT Strategic Plans: The Backbone for Improved Data Sharing – 5/23 C4BH Meeting

For meaningful progress in effective health and social data sharing, state and federal leadership must be aligned with policy initiatives and aid goals, ensuring a collaborative approach for action. To examine recent strategic plans published by government agencies, Connecting for Better Health was joined by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and Civitas Networks for Health on May 23 to take a deeper dive into the CalHHS IT & Data Strategic Plan, the Draft Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, and CDC Public Health Data Strategy

CalHHS IT & Data Strategic Plan

Developed in March 2024 by CalHHS, the IT & Data Strategic Plan was presented by Adam Dondro (Agency Chief Information Officer at CalHHS) and Deanne Wertin (Deputy Agency Information Officer and Chief Deputy Director of Systems Integration). The plan emphasizes a holistic approach to health programs, data, and information technology. Furthermore, collaboration across all state departments to break down existing silos is necessary to ensure a unified vision of individual care. In order to mitigate existing silos, the plan highlights key foundational initiatives: strategic asset management, optimized resource usage, intentional data treatment, and workforce development. In addition, the plan stresses the importance of support from statewide partners and reliance on data governance such as the DxF to move California’s  health care systems to truly encompass whole person care.  

Draft Federal Health IT Strategic Plan & CDC Public Health Data Strategy 

Alan Katz (Associate Director of Advocacy and Public Policy) and Jolie Ritzo (VP of Strategy and Network Engagement) of Civitas Networks for Health presented on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Draft Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and Centers for Disease Control Public Health Data Strategy. The plan, spanning from 2024-2030, aims to promote health and wellness, enhance the delivery and experience of care, accelerate research and innovations, and connect the health system with health data. By connecting federal goals into actionable steps, the plan engages with public health entities to address community challenges. 

Following the ONC plan overview, Katz presented on the CDC’s 2024-25 public health data strategy, developed by the Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (OPDST). Civitas highlighted milestones of the CDC plan they will be tracking: improved emergency department encounter data, streamlined laboratory reporting, anonymized electronic initial case reports sent to the CDC, the launch of two public health use cases, and reception of ADT notifications. C4BH looks forward to being a conduit to provide support for Civitas plans and their engagement with the CDC. 

California State Updates

Lastly, as a follow-up to the recent May Budget Revise for the 2024-2025 FY State Budget released by the governor, C4BH touched on the significant proposed budget cuts that affect the Medi-Cal Equity and Practice Transformation grants, public health departments, health care workforce programs, the Children and Youth Behavioral Health initiative, and broadband programs. Budget negotiations will continue until June 15, when a Budget Act must be sent to Governor Newsom for his signature. Negotiations in trailer bill language will continue throughout the summer. 

Health IT Strategic Plans: The Backbone for Improved Data Sharing

C4BH continues to advocate for a strengthened DxF, and is sharing impactful stories that paint a picture of why health and social data sharing is critical to supporting the health of Californians. If you or your organization has a patient or provider story that may be relevant, please reach out to

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