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Funding to Support Data Sharing – C4BH 6/22 Meeting

“People are thinking, ‘I need to get interoperable. What do I do? Help!’ ”

As providers prepare to begin exchanging health data by January 2024, in accordance with the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA), there are questions regarding how to fund and support the infrastructure needed to become interoperable. Lisa Chan-Sawin, chief executive officer of Transform Health, joined the Connecting for Better Health (C4BH) Coalition meeting on June 22 to discuss the funding opportunities available to providers and plans in California to meet these goals.

Chan-Sawin shared details on several different grants that can be blended and braided to meet the needs of plans and providers:

  1. DSA Signatory Grants. DSA signatories can apply for funding either for technical assistance (TA) to help set up their own systems to support interoperability or for initial costs to partner with a Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) that will enable interoperability. .
  2. Incentive Payment Program (IPP). IPP funding is available to managed care plans to reinvest in community organizations to meet CalAIM objectives. Providers and community-based organizations should reach out to their local managed care plans to learn what IPP funding is available and how to apply.
  3. Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion, and Development (CITED). Medi-Cal providers are eligible for PATH CITED funding to use for Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports. Applicable uses include upgrading technology and preparing to meet DSA requirements.
  4. PATH TA Marketplace. Organizations that provide ECM/Community Support services and contract with or intend to contract with a managed care plan can shop the TA Marketplace for hands-on, custom consulting and off-the-shelf projects.

One of the best ways for providers and community organizations to learn about how to access these funding sources is by joining their local PATH collaborative.

Chan-Sawin emphasized the importance of applying for funding now. Although not all of the Data Exchange Framework Policies and Procedures are finalized, plans and providers should prioritize securing funding while it is available so that they have access to it once they are ready to use it.

For more information on these funding opportunities and more, check out our fact sheet.


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