C4BH Round-Up: March 26, 2024

ONC Shares Priorities for HTI-2 Proposed Rule

Following the release of HTI-1 Final Rule in January 2024, plans are already underway for HTI-2 from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). HTI-2 plans to focus on strategic standards adoption to drive interoperability, health IT certification requirements for public health with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), new application programming interface (API) certification provisions, and information blocking deterrents. (ONC, 3/12)

EU Approves First AI Regulations

The European Union (EU) recently passed its AI Act, establishing the world’s first AI regulatory framework. It governs AI technology based on its potential risks and impact level, with stricter regulations for high-risk systems and outright bans on certain applications, among additional requirements. (Forbes, 3/13)

Other AI News:

Data Infrastructure Needed for Medicaid Managed Care to Address SDOH

Robust data infrastructure is essential for successful partnerships between community-based organizations (CBOs) and Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs). Yet, it is often lacking. This Health Affairs article summarizes research into how state agencies are working to address social determinants of health (SDOH), especially among Medicaid enrollees. Notably, funding for shared data platforms emerged as their top policy recommendation to sustain positive change. (Health Affairs, 3/8)

EHR Vendors Commit to USCDI+ Cancer

Several electronic health record (EHR) vendors, including Epic, Oracle, and Meditech, have committed to implementing the United States Core Data for Interoperability Plus Cancer (USCDI+ Cancer) to standardize cancer-related data elements for better interoperability. This initiative under the Biden Cancer Moonshot aims to expedite research results, inform successful public health interventions, and improve cancer outcomes nationwide. (EHR Intelligence, 3/6)