C4BH Round-Up: January 7, 2025

ASTP Finalizes HTI-2 & HTI-3 Rules

The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) recently finalized two rules: HTI-2 and HTI-3 to support the continuous implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act. HTI-2 formalizes certain updates to the Trusted Exchange Framework Common Agreement (TEFCA) related to transparency for Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs) and establishes a new TEFCA Manner Exception for information blocking. HTI-3 builds upon HTI-2 by revising the Privacy and Infeasibility Exceptions for information blocking and finalizing the Protecting Care Access Exception to support reproductive health care privacy. (ASTP, December 2024)

HHS Proposes Cybersecurity Updates To HIPAA Security Rule

To address the increasing frequency of cyberattacks, the HHS Office for Civil Rights proposed modifications to the HIPAA Security Rule to strengthen what covered entities and their business associates must do to protect electronic protected health information (ePHI). Proposed updates include requiring health care organizations to maintain a technology asset inventory and network map illustrating the movement of ePHI, set methodology for risk analyses, conduct annual compliance audits, and ensure business associates have implemented proper technical safeguards. (Healthcare IT Today, 1/7)

CMS Approves California’s BH-CONNECT 1115 Waiver

In December 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved California’s section 1115 waiver – Behavioral Health Community-Based Organized Networks of Equitable Care and Treatment (BH-CONNECT). The approved waiver will build off existing initiatives in California to expand and strengthen community-based behavioral health care to better support Medi-Cal members with significant behavioral health needs. Specifically, BH-CONNECT will offer transitional rent assistance, workforce investments, community transition in-reach services, and create a Health IT Plan leveraging the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) to meet serious mental illness goals. (California State Association of Counties, 12/16)

DiMe Project To Integrate Sensor-Based Health Data For Diabetes Care

The Digital Measurement Collaborative Community (DATAcc), hosted by the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) with the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, is building a team of experts working to advance the adoption of sensor-derived patient-generated health data for diabetes management to enhance scientific rigor, inform clinical practices, streamline regulatory processes, and drive fair reimbursement decisions – ultimately, expanding access to transformative treatments and elevating health outcomes for all individuals. Learn more about joining this project, which kicks off in March. (Digital Medicine Society)


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