C4BH Round-Up: August 20, 2024

Now Available: CDII DxF Implementation Toolkit

The CalHHS Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) has released an updated DxF Implementation Toolkit to support California health and social service entities with a step-by-step guide for DxF participation. The toolkit walks through the DxF Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) and considerations for operational and technical changes to securely share appropriate data under the DxF. (CDII, August 2024)

New HHS Proposed Rule Aligns Health IT Across Contracted Entities

Open for public comment until October 8, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a proposed rule to further align health IT procurement requirements under the HHS Acquisition Regulation to advance interoperability among health systems. Under the provision of the rule, all entities contracted with HHS would be required to align with standards and implementation specifications adopted by the ASTP/ONC. (ASTP/ONC, 8/9)

Michigan Pilots HIE Program To Improve Emergency Response Care Coordination

To bridge data gaps in emergency response, a pilot initiative by Michigan’s statewide Health Data Utility, Michigan Health Information Shared Services (MiHIN), aims to address prehospital data exchange. The pilot will enable ambulatory care providers to transmit and access existing patient information while en route to hospitals, allowing for smoother patient hand-offs and better care coordination ahead of arrival to eliminate delays in care and improve care outcomes. (Healthcare IT News, 8/8)

Enhancing Medicaid Programs Through Improved Data Collection

A recent article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) highlights the challenges presented by fragmented data collection in Medicaid impacting utilization of services and measuring program effectiveness. However, a new final rule issued in April 2024 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presents an opportunity to inform Medicaid policy and research by requiring states to conduct annual surveys to assess how well managed care members are being served. (JAMA, 8/8)