C4BH Round-Up: April 9, 2024

OMB Revisions to Federal Race and Ethnicity Data Standards

Following a comprehensive public comment period, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published updated race and ethnicity standards for more useful and accurate demographic data that represents the diversity of America. Revisions include combining the race and ethnicity questions, adding Middle Eastern or North African as a new minimum category, and requiring collection beyond the minimum categories for most situations to further data disaggregation. (The White House, 3/28)

New ITUP Issue Brief: Leveraging Data to Advance Health Equity and Success in CalAIM

The Insure the Uninsured Project (ITUP) recently published an issue brief highlighting how information sharing under the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) is critical to the success of CalAIM. The brief highlights different scenarios where data exchange can advance CalAIM’s initiatives, including for Enhanced Care Management, behavioral health, and Population Health Management. (ITUP, 4/4)

ONC Announces Federal Health IT Strategic Plan

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) revealed their draft strategic plan for federal health IT priorities over the next five years, which has a particular focus on health equity, public health, and AI. The strategic plan is open for public comment until 5/28.

Aligning with overarching objectives to advance cybersecurity and interoperability, the strategic plan’s goals include promoting health and wellness, enhancing care experience and delivery, accelerating research and innovation, and integrating data across the health system. (Fierce Healthcare, 4/1)

Modest PCP Satisfaction with Accessing External Data

New research shines light on the modest satisfaction levels of primary care physicians (PCPs) in accessing and utilizing information received from outside data systems. Despite 70% of PCPs indicating at least some satisfaction, only 30% reported finding this data easy or very easy to use, underscoring the need of further policies and strategies to improve data usability for providers. (JAMA Network, 3/26)