A new law in the Golden State requires providers, payers and public health agencies to participate in real-time information sharing by 2024. Timi …

Giles Bruce – Friday, July 15th, 2022 The state of California recently embarked on an ambitious endeavor. Using hundreds of millions of dollars in public …
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 Media Contact: Steve Maviglio, (916) 607-8340 steven.maviglio@gmail.com Connecting for Better Health Coalition Lauds Data Sharing Agreement as Step Forward …
It remains to be seen whether California’s current lull in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths will be sustained or whether new variants …
Contact: Steven Maviglio, 916-607-8340 For Immediate Release Health Organizations Laud Initial Data Exchange Investment in Revised Budget, Urge More Funding to Create …
Op-Ed: California’s need for a statewide Health Information Exchange Network from a population health perspective
The challenges of practicing medicine in a rapidly changing complex healthcare environment must not be underestimated. From a population health perspective, the …
California setting up statewide medical data-exchange grid
California is developing a long-sought statewide health information exchange for providers and payers to deliver better care for patients.
Challenges remain in California’s effort to establish a statewide health data sharing system
California’s recent passage of AB 133 laid out a timeline for implementing the state’s long-sought statewide health information exchange (HIE), but experts say the …
Let nurses focus on care, not tracking down data
“Ask any healthcare professional or provider, and they’ll tell you: to take care of the patients and communities they serve, they need …
Expanding Payer and Provider Participation in Data Exchange: Options for California
Health information exchange (HIE) is vital to enabling the quadruple aim of better care, better health, improved clinician experience, and lower costs. …